Sunday, March 29, 2009

arrival in Duderstadt (2)

I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason - hits hard sometimes and other times I feel this is the only thing that keeps me going, knowing there will be a silver lining or by sharing my experience some-one else can benefit.

Well, today on the aeroplane coming over from Singapore to Frankfurt I decided to skip watching the usual blockbuster movies and surf through the 'documentary' section (thank you SQ for such great in-flight entertainment system!)
Anyway, there was a show titled 'food matters' and as I am on a new food routine my curiosity peaked. Well, my choice was for good reason too! what came on has left a haunting impact!
I want to share with this link to visit
In the 'film' (I actually thought it was an episode of a series) it has several world acclaimed 'nutritionist' talking about how food affects us, and how they found vitamins and organic food can cure cancer! watching it was incredible.
Dr Raymond Chang (whom I consult in N.Y.) and I have has this conversation in depth about supplements aiding those doing Chemo etc (and this is also what he practises - East West alternatives) but now it truly has 'hit home' to me.
Even those of you who don’t have cancer and just want to feel better, I would highly recommend watching it!
Did you know Vitamin C can elevate your mood? (may explain why I feel better after consuming Berocca) and they claim on the show it can also cure cancer - when used intravenously. I really would love to talk to some-one who has been through this!
They also suggest the following
Studies have shown, when patients are using both conventional therapy (chemotherapy, radiation and surgery)and using nutrition and high doses of nutrients, the results were as follows:• People on chemotherapy did not lose their appetite• Hair loss was reduced or hair loss not experienced altogether• People did not have nausea

They discuss it a lot further in the movie.
They also talk to Charlotte Gerber, whose father started the Gerber Institute, which I’ve discussed briefly earlier, where they have also shown HUGE leaps in how our diet can aid good health.
I know this may sound like common sense but how often do we actually heed to it?
They recommend that at every meal, at least 51% of your meal should be RAW (yes, trust me, it is very difficult to do - in-flight meals don’t really cater to that thinking!!)
I'm still thinking about everything they said and it resonates loudly.
I know I’m definitely going to look into this further ;-) I hope you do the same!

I still can’t stop thinking about it!!!!
Anyway, I’m here now in Duderstadt, back at my usual hotel Zum Lowen and counting the hours down till my second vaccine tomorrow.

I really miss you all and want to send you all a very big hug.
May Monday bring light love and joy into your day!
Wishing good health and signing off for now
All my love

Friday, March 27, 2009

btw, i want to show my gratitude to (Dr Raymond Chang, New York)
and Prof. David Chan (Hong Kong) for all their help and support along this path.
this would not have been possible without you.
a wise person once said.................. (my mantras......)

“We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think. When the mind is pure joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.The secret of health of both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future or anticipate troubles but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly” Buddha

“never, never, never, never give up” Winston Churchill

“imagination is everything. It is the preview to life’s coming attractions” Albert Einstein

"See things as you would have them be instead of as they are." Robert Collier

“God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much” "There is no greater sickness in the world today than the lack of love."
"People who love each other fully and truly are the happiest people in the world. They may have little, they may have nothing, but they are happy people. Everything depends on how we love one another."
“Love does not measure; it just gives."
all above by - Mother Teresa

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


well, i have to say, i have had quite an over whelming response to my blog (a little more so than i anticipated...)
I firstly want to say a HUGE thank you for sharing your experiences and i really hope i some how help you, either by listening, or aiding by also sharing.
I am sending you all BIG hugs and wish you good health along the path you are walking.
Those of you starting Chemo this week (and a lot more people than i thought have shared they are now going through this) Be strong, stay POSITIVE! and above all else, try and at least find something to smile (or attempt a laugh at) each day. I know it's hard but please try.
sending you positivity, hope, strength and BIG smiles ;-) i love you!

i want to share an unusual email i received and one i am not sure whether to take seriously.
(i apologise if i offend the author, this is not my intent. I have deleted the name accordingly)
as i have been bombarded with eating / diet suggestions - yes, i am taking a 'mostly' organic diet now, eating Cordyceps daily (also known as 'winter worm - summer grass') as well as drinking lots of fresh fruit and vegetable juices.

anyway, thought I'd share this, in the hope it may help others.... i have added my own notes (in brackets) next to the letter

Hello Ms Elrick,
I am a cancer researcher and do cancer research in US. I am just checking around Internet and finding your blog. You are a great lady.There is some information which I am not quite sure whether it is really work or not.
For Dendritic cells therapy:Dendritic cells vaccine + thermotherapy will works better. (yes i have heard of this also, the clinic i attend also has this option) In Germany, Dr. Roberta Gorter are using that to treat patient and are more successful.
For Nutrition:You can tried Gerson therapy:For cancer treatment. i have heard great things and looking into this
You can tried to find a book " one answer to cancer " written by Kelly and his follower is Gonzalez.
For cervical cancer, around one hundred years ago, there is a doctor use syphilis to cure for his patient.If you interested in it, I can give more information.
Good wishes,
L** Z***
personally, not so sure about the syphilis thing but who am i to knock research (though i will avoid personally trying this out!) was this a 'personal' offer????

anyway, i really do appreciate all info, help and tips that will aid myself and all others in ensuring a healthy and fulfilling LONG life. please keep them coming in.
If there is anything in specific you would like me to share please let me know.

signing off for now...... LOVE YOU!
less than a week to go for round 2!
(admittedly I'm nervous but also excited about the end results...... only 5 more to go!)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Dr Nesselhut (Snr)

it's amazing how two small syringes can change some-ones life ;-)

this is the thymosin

i'm injecting twice weekly

ZADAXIN builds up the immune system by

Stimulating differentiation of stem cells— the cells that can produce virus fighters in the immune system.

Increasing the number of virus-fighting T cells—including CD4, CD8, and natural killer cells—that come from stem cells.

Slowing down the breakdown and removal (apoptosis) of T cells, which are the cells primarily responsible for the cellular immune response.

Increasing the number of helper cells (Th1 cells) that fight chronic viral infection.

Increasing the production of proteins (called cytokines) that help in the action and creation of more T cells in the immune response process. The particular proteins are interleukin-2 (IL-2) and interferon gamma (IFN-γ).

Decreasing the production of the cytokines interleukin-4 (IL-4) and interleukin-10 (IL-10), which are counterproductive in the fight against chronic viral infections.ZADAXIN directly targets virally infected or cancer cells by

Increasing the number of surface-marker proteins (MHC Class 1) that are responsible for identification and rejection of foreign agents, like viruses, from the body.

Slowing down the replication of viruses.

Decreasing oxidative stress, which dramatically decreases viral replication.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

sorry for the delay in writing, I've been tired and groggy the past few days.
i will upload the pics soon of everything also ;-O
all went well.
i was given TWO needles in the arm, which admittedly were very uncomfortable but then again, i am a woos when it comes to needles! we then stared at my arm as a red bump formed, which i was later told was a good sign, that my immune system was kicking in and reacting.
it took approx 1.5 hours before the 'symptoms' hit, and hit hard. i felt like i had REALLY bad flu, shivers to the bone and on and off fever for two days.
But, to be frank, it's bearable. i took some pain killers to help me ease my way through it and just kept thinking of the positive future doing all this was going to give me.
The Dr was swift and positive, regaling motivational stories about patients who have made full recovery from this - which was nice way to get my head in the right place while receiving the vaccine.
I am patiently now waiting till Monday 30th March when i have to return for shot number 2 ;-)

I've arrived in Hong Kong and currently here for a night so as i may see my Dr here and collect more Thymosin (which I've been advised to keep injecting twice weekly till end of treatments.......)

Tomorrow i head home to Singapore to start my new routine.
No drinking of alcohol, no processed foods, no unrefined sugar. exercise one hour every day (or at least try gentle swimming / stretching etc)
gosh at this rate but my birthday in July I'm going to be looking AMAZING!
watch out life, here i come ;-)

will fill in more news once back, rested and into my Singapore routine ;-)
remember, please email me ANYTIME you have ANY questions regarding this.

sending you love and gratitude.
thank you all, i feel blessed that you have taken the time to follow this and for all your beautiful emails and comments.
promise I'll fill the funny antidotes of 'side trips' etc soon.
signing off for now.
I LOVE YOU! *I feel people just dont say that enough to each other, so be prepared for me to start completely over doing now, saying it to you all, alot, and i will really mean it too! i sincerely LOVE YOU, for being my friend, for being there for me and for just being you!
sorry about the mush, but once in a while i've to just do it ;-)
hugs +kisses + wishing good health to you all!